
Every End Has a New Beginning

It has been over six years since we rented the property in New Farm.
Spurtopia Logo
We have converted a small back yard into a productive garden - an ecosystem buzzing with life and symbiotic relationships between humans and nature. We have set a prime example of how sustainably people can live in a city, how to set up a small but functional community (renters of five units and neighbours) and how this can be replicated elsewhere by sharing our experience and knowledge with other people.
Now, with regret we have to announce that the creation is going to be demolished in May and replaced by two new houses. This is particularly sad, not because we have to move out, but because of the ecosystem which is going to be destroyed - such a huge loss for the local environment.
So if you would like to come and see what has been achieved, we will be running a few last workshops and an open day here at New Farm.
Having said that, every end  has a new beginning. We are moving (21 April 2015) to live temporarily at our friend's farm close to Jimboomba. In the meantime we will be looking for a property to live permanently. So, if you know of something which might be suitable please let us know.
SpurTopia is still operating and faster than ever with about 100 events already booked for this year and the number is growing. We will be running inspirational talks, presentations and workshops at libraries, schools, gardening clubs, community centres and BCC parks to educate, inspire and empower people to live more sustainably. For more info see our events and workshops.

We are really excited about what the future will bring.

Your SpurTopians
Roman Jana Lada
 Every end has a new beginning


  1. Roman and Jana - the universe works in stealthy ways - this just means that you will have to go out and buy a place of your own and do it all again - everyone will be fascinated seeing you do it all from the ground up again. It will make a fabulous blog-series too.

  2. Can't wait to see what you create next :)

  3. I do hope you find a suitable place that is just 'right' for you and your family. I am sure you will thrive wherever you live.

  4. awww so sad that the gardens will be destroyed but that is the way of rentals though, they are only temporary.
    good luck with your new adventure & hope you find something soon
    thanx for sharing

  5. I'm sorry to hear that - it is really inspiring what you have done. Having said that I can't wait to see what you do next - hope you come to the Sunshine Coast!
