

What an incredible journey it’s been for Spurtopia during its first year! Firstly, we’d like to thanks to all our friends and countless people who have supported us in creating the Spurtopia notion (with over 100,000 blog views; over 1000 facebook followers and over 5000 people we talked to in person at over 100 events). We have been overwhelmed with the number of people who have been inspired and who have begun to walk lightly on the planet. Living by example has enabled us to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

What’s coming up in 2015.
- Spurtopia workshops will encompass a variety of different topics which include:
· How to start gardening;
· How to start beekeeping;
· How to live sustainably;
· How to make a self-watering planter box;
· How to use solar energy; and
· Natural parenting, chemical free kids and healthy homes.
- Presentations and workshops at libraries (Brisbane City Council, Redland Bay, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, and the Sunshine Coast)
- Education of the younger generation – Talks and workshops at child care centres, schools, colleges, universities and excursions to our “urban farm”. Through education the younger generation can be inspired and in turn they can pass on their knowledge to ensure not only change now but also into the future.
- Collaboration with Brisbane City Council and Education Queensland, to deliver sustainable education program to the general public, schools and environmental grants for community gardens and centres.
- Continuing to share our experience, knowledge, ideas and innovations of sustainable living to become more self-sufficient via our blog posts, videos, and media as well as attending various expos and events.
- Sustainable household assessments and garden consultations providing tailored advice to individuals.
- Positively promote our ethos of sustainable living around Australia via articles in magazines and newspapers, radio interviews and TV appearance.
- Take Spurtopia onto the international stage following our great success around Australia.

There is such a bright future ahead of us.

Be inspired to take the first step - create your own Utopia.

Life is Beautiful
Yours SpurTopians
Roman, Jana and Lada

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