
Stinging Nettle - Spring Detox

Stinging nettle growing through a styrofoam box
Stinging nettle is considered by many as a weed in gardens. For us, it is a most valuable plant. We grow it, eat it and  use it for medicinal, gardening and other purposes. Especially, in spring, young shoots are full of vital energy and natural goodness readily available to us. So why not use it?
Growing nettle in containers keeps it enclosed. It's so vigorous it will grow through a styrofoam box. It is easy to propagate from seeds or runners.
We drink nettle tea in spring. It is a powerful immune system booster washing away toxins and purifying the system - a spring detox for our body to recover after winter.
Summer tea: stinging nettle, mint and honey. When served chilled, it is a most refreshing drink.
Other uses for stinging nettle:

Richest edible plant source of iron and chlorophyll.
Rich source of vitamins & minerals.
Nettle tea - Spring Detox
Stimulates circulation.
One of the best blood cleansing and blood building herbs known.
Serotonin in nettle can be a benefit to many people who suffer depression.
A rich source of antioxidants.
Leaves used to make nettle shampoo.
Leaves used to make nettle footbath.
Root used to make nettle tincture.

Smoothie (when processed in blender  it does not sting)
Cooked like spinach and used in soup

Good for most animals (if dried). Improves egg production in chickens if mixed with their grain.
Nettle rinse for flea control for dogs.
Nettle tea fertilizer - full of nitrogen
Nettle plant tonic. (helps build resistance to heat stress)
Nettle spray – for aphid control.

.....and the list is endless....

Did you know when you are stung by a nettle it reduces the risk of developing rheumatism. Also it is supposedly used as a pain killer.


  1. Great info on stinging nettle. I will add it to my garden and use it.... THANK YOU!!!

  2. Good one Roman and Jana :)
    I also like to use my wild edibles to good advantage, usually as food, but I found out something very useful about my Plantain the other day. Apparently chewed up it's good for bees stings.
    I haven't been stung by my bees for a long time, but the next afternoon one of the girl ended up on my foot and objected by stinging me on the heel. I made a bee-line to my Plantain, chewed a leaf (much to the bemusement of a passer-by) and rubbed the sting. Sure enough the pain was gone in no time.

  3. That's amazing. I had no idea that this plant could provide so much towards our wellbeing.

  4. Thank you for sharing this information about stinging nettles. I have them growing wild in the veggie garden at the moment. I haven't wanted to pull them out as I knew they were useful. The stinging nettle tea sounds like something I could try :)
