
Vegetable pyramid - Grow your own vegies and fruit

Vegetable pyramid from self-watering planter boxes
We grow a substantial amount of vegetables on a couple of square metres of concrete yard by
using our invention, self watering planter boxes - single, double and triple decker. They are arranged into a 3 dimensional, terrace shaped pyramid. As soil depth varies from from 15 -  30 - 60 cm,  any vegetables and some fruit can be grown. We grow herbs, tomatoes, capsicums, eggplant, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, red radish, beetroot, spring onions, garlic, and leaks to name just  a few. Fruit grown includes strawberries, raspberries, cape gooseberries,  even a small 2m high paw paw tree. You can grow whatever you like to eat as the the opportunities are unlimited. More importantly, the vegetable pyramid is made of self-watering boxes which are water efficient and save you time with daily watering. As the plants get a constant water supply, they thrive throughout summer without shade even in the full sun. You don't need to dig up your backyard if you want to grow fruit and vegies.
- Maximize space - Growing in terraces (growing vertically),
- Creating a variety of growing spaces (orientation, full sun, part shade)
- Water efficient
- Utilizing space (concrete or dirt in which nothing would grow)
The pyramid proves it works so well that we want to share the idea with you.
If you want to learn more, come to our hands on workshop: Make your own Self-watering planter box. For more info about our presentations and workshops see
Happy gardening.

Vertical gardening

Half metre long cucumber

Single, double triple decker boxes

Growing food on concrete

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