
SpurTopia Happy Day

New styrofoam box gardeners
SpurTopia had a great afternoon which was sunny but a bit windy. Plenty of self-watering planter boxes were made and countless useful and practical information and ideas were shared. Seeing people being inspired and being grateful for what they have learned, makes us happy and keeps us going. Many thanks to all who came today and for your donations to help us continue to run these workshops.
It's priceless to receive feedback like this:
"Hi Jana, Roman and Lada,
Just wanted to send a quick email thanking you for a wonderfully informative and inspiring talk this afternoon about sustainability, I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
On the drive home we have planned our cockroach killing spree and washing powder cook up.
With your lovely clear blue eyes, healthy skin and happy smiles you are all beautiful examples of living well on what is provided by mother nature. Thank you to Jana for allowing us to take a little snip of Aloe Vera, we planted him when we got home. We love your stories Roman, in particular the one about the “road kill possum”. :-)
Blessings to you all.
Helen and Terry. "


Making boxes in progress

Lada overseeing the workshop

Grand garden tour


  1. Hi had the BEST afternoon! Thanks you so very much for your generosity, your enthusiasm, your passion and sharing your life with me. I am so excited about what is going to happen in our street community garden here in Eight Mile Plains because of what I have learnt and seen today. When our community garden is functioning i would love to invite you three over for a visit, coffee and a yarn! Thank you so much. i am going to do another workshop so my partner can also get an excited as me...!!

  2. PS... I am the person with the blue box..! Just so you remember who wrote the comment..!!
