
Make a difference - Do what excites you most

SpurTopia Stall at Green Heart Fair
In our lives, we do what excites us the most - sharing and showing our simple, healthy and sustainably fulfilling lifestyle. It excites us to give people helpful tips and tricks they can use at home to improve their lives. That empowers them to make a difference, save money and become less reliant by growing food and using the power of the sun.
This week we made a difference to thousands of people through the following events:
- Interview on 4ZZZ radio
- An article in the local City North News
- Open garden for Subtropical fruit tree club
- SpurTopia Open Day: Make your own self-watering planter box, a sustainable living presentation, a garden tour and tasting of home and garden produce
- SpurTopia presentation and a stall with display table at Green Heart Fair, the biggest sustainability event in Brisbane
All of this gives us a great deal of satisfaction and it is taking our life into another dimension.
Make your Self-watering planter box workshop

SpurTopia Sustainable living presentation

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