
We preach what We live

Griffith Uni Eco Centre presentation
We have inspired hundreds of people by our passion for what we do and how we live. Showing our way of sustainable and more conscious living, while saving money and not compromising our comfort was the theme last weekend. SpurTopia was invited to be a guest speaker at the Griffith University Eco Centre and Herb Awareness Fair. There, we delivered presentations and had a display table with our garden and home produce, ideas and inventions. More importantly, we personally talked passionately, sharing information with each other.  The best reward we get is seeing sparkles in people's eyes while saying "what a great idea - I have to do that at home".
Being a living example of what it is possible to achieve is the best way of inspiring people.
SpurTopia stall at Herb Awareness Fair

Presentation for Herb Awareness visitors

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed your talk at the Herb Awareness day. Always inspiring. Best wishes. Jean.
