
Roman Spur presented his latest invention to the biggest gardening club in Australia

Roman Spur presented his latest invention to Brisbane Organic Growers Inc (BOGI), the biggest gardening club in Australia and probably the southern hemisphere. About 200 keen gardeners learned about Self-watering Planter Boxes which Roman invented and makes. Single, double and triple decker planter boxes can be used for growing all kinds of vegetables including root crops, small trees and shrubs. A box can store up to 40 litres of water. These self-watering  planter boxes are made from recycled materials - styrofoam box and a piece of PVC pipe - which have been saved from going to land fill.
SpurTopia  runs a hands-on workshop, "Make Your Own Self-watering Planter Box" free of charge.

1 comment:

  1. A brilliant idea Roman. Loved your presentation at BOGI last night.
